We would like to share with you an unforgettable experience we recently had during a lecture held on June 8, 2023, at the Faculty of Technical Sciences. This lecture was a true inspiration and a reminder of the importance of occupational health and safety issues.
Firstly, we want to express our gratitude to all our dear participants. Your presence and engagement in the lecture contributed to its success. Your passion for these topics and your willingness to dedicate time to attend this event truly inspired us.
We also want to extend our deep appreciation to our lecturers, whose effort and dedication made it possible to convey ideas and knowledge to our participants in the best possible way. Their expertise and enthusiasm inspired us and provided us with new insights into the field of occupational health and safety.
The lecture’s topic was extremely relevant, considering recent changes in laws and regulations. We discussed the innovations brought about by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia,” No. 35/2023), which came into effect on May 7, as well as the Regulation on the Procedure for Inspection and Verification of Work Equipment and Testing of Working Environment Conditions (“Official Gazette of the Republic of Serbia,” No. 15/2023), which became effective on March 4. These laws are crucial for ensuring a safe and healthy working environment, and during the lecture, we deeply explored how these regulations impact practice.
This event served as an incredible reminder of how important occupational health and safety issues are and how powerful and inspirational we can be when we come together. The exchange of ideas, experiences, and insights during the lecture was invaluable, and we look forward to future opportunities to explore these key topics together.
Thank you once again for your engagement and support. Stay inspired and committed to occupational health and safety, as together we can create a safer and healthier working environment for all.
Warm regards,