Meet the team

Miodrag Meseldžija
Miodrag Meseldžija, mechanical engineer, graduated from the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad. First experience gained at the Institute for Occupational Safety, where he performed various jobs in the field of occupational safety and health.
For more than 15 years has been leading the sector of occupational health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection, and sustainable development at Tarkett, Bačka Palanka.
He is the management representative for quality management systems (QMS), environmental management protection (EMS), and the occupational health and safety management system.
Miodrag is the leader in the implementation of the security pillar of the WCM methodology and sustainable development strategy for reaching the 2030 goals in Tarkett.

Bojana Zoraja
Vice president
Bojana Zoraja, doctor of technical sciences in the field of occupational safety engineering.
Assistant at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Environmental Protection and Occupational Safety Engineering in Novi Sad.
A long-time member of the Occupational Safety Association of Vojvodina, later a member of the Presidency of the Serbian Occupational Safety Association.
For more than 13 years has been engaged in research, international cooperation, and education in the field of occupational safety and environmental protection.

Aleksandra Baukov
General Secretary
Aleksandra Baukov, graphic designer, employed in MOD 381 as a moderator.
A long-time member of the Association of Occupational Safety of Vojvodina, later deputy president of the Association of Occupational Safety of Serbia.
For more than 11 years has been engaged in organization and expert counseling in the field of occupational health and safety.